
Showing posts from October, 2018

The growing importance of digital media with respect to social movements

"Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand." -Amy Jo Martin   What does digital media play in social movements and even politically? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google have proven themselves as important components in social movements.   Digital media is a mixture of technology with content we see, watch and read every day. Right now, we are consuming digital media from apps, games, news, social networking and even software. Digital media is part of our everyday life. Digital media includes: Written communication or copy Interactive Design Digital marketing  Digital Journalism Digital Video Coding, data, and Analytics Digital business    The digital medium plays a very crucial role. It reaches a large number of people quickly at a short period of time w

Potential to change the World - Reducing Food Waste

      We  can't change the world; we can't fix the whole environment. But we can change our intention, our priorities and take responsibilities. If we can't change the world, at least we can change the way we look at things. We can recycle, we can reuse and stop wasting natural resources that we get easily.  “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”  ―  Mahatma Gandhi Wasting food is a large issue in the World that needs to be solved. People are living on this planet as if they have another one to go. People know the price of everything, but they have stopped giving the value. As most of the population who are earning well enough, forget to give value to natural resources that come easily in their hand, especially food. But, the people who are more affected by this act are the poor. We can help in reducing food wastage, the harmful practice by a well-planned action. 1. Shopping Smart:     

Good deed : A single move can change one's life

“Every time you do a good deed you shine the light a little farther into the dark. And the thing is when you're gone that light is going to keep shining on, pushing the shadows back.”  - Charles De Lint        Doing a good deed is a simple task. Even a smile can brighten someone else's day. We should be remembered for everything we do in our lives and what we can do for others. To do something good, all we need is a positive intention. Thinking positive thoughts or doing good deeds is not enough until someone admires you or follow your deeds.  We decide to make one change in yourself that will make us a better person.     One good deed I do every year is in Durga Puja, that is volunteering and serving food for the people from slums, which is organized by the community. Playing with their children and sharing some good stories is better than anything else. It's good to help them out and share the love with them. It is worthy of spending quality time with old peo