MOTO : Making life easy

     Communication is all about dealing information between mediums.  Communication and information are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different meanings; communication is 'getting through' and information is 'giving out'. To converge communication and information, technology is needed. Rather we can say, communication is our "needs", information is "subject" and technology is our "wants".

     If anybody will ask me,"Define Technology", my answer will be always "Motorola".Motorola has never stopped from astounding me. It has been the finest technology brand, I have ever used. I have been using MotoG turbo edition android for around three years now.

     As per journals, Motorola is an American International telecom enterprise originated in Schaumburg, United States and established in 1928 and later on, after 2009, the multinational corporation has been divided into two different divisions. In 2011, one part became Motorola mobility and other Motorola solutions. Again in 2014 Motorola mobility was owned by Lenovo. They also manufacture network equipment like setup boxes, video recorders, video broadcasting tools, telephony equipment, HD TVs and more. Government and big corporations are also customers of Motorola.


      How Motorola deals with macro environmental factors: 

    As per environmental factors, I believe Motorola has focused on such factors too to produce better products for the customers. As the telecommunication industry is becoming more competitive day by day, Motorola is focusing on all the concerned factors of business to get more market share in the industry.
  • Demographically, the forces includes lifestyles,gender,age,occupation,density,size,and local customer preferences.Demographic forces associates with common people. Motorola grabbed the market shares by understanding social changes from time to time. While promoting a product in local markets, the consumer behaviour must be considered.
  • The economic forces associated with the purchases and amount of people going to spend on the product. Different places in the world have different levels of development in the technical sense. Only after complete analysis of economic dynamic, a technology should be designed for the customers. Motorola is having a profitable business because they keep in mind all about the spending of the customers, tax rates, demand for telecommunication products, exchange rates and population growth rates. There can be always ups and downs in the market but Motorola has always kept there strategy stable and much more reasonable to customers. The economy of developed countries is growing day by day, so it is the golden opportunity for Motorola to extend their business all over the world easily.
  • Natural forces also known as ecological forces, as it is an extremely important factor to think about seriously because environmental concerns are growing so fast in recent years. I believe Motorola has always been aware of the ecological environment. Even Motorola has an inbuilt opening graphical presentation or infographics based on awareness of the ecological environment.
  • Technology forces are more significant when innovation and new creation are introduced in the marketplace. It increases market opportunities and new products in the market. Motorola is bringing more new upcoming products on the market, so it is needed to influence the customer to be loyal to them. Motorola modifies its design, specifications and features for catching up the standard technologies today. There are so many ranges of Motorola androids as MotoG z,x,e etc produced as per generations as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and more generations. These arrive every year or seasons with new features and other qualities and cost range from low to high. Motorola takes customer wants very seriously. They market the products for all kind of customers. For example, Motorola missed the move to 3G. The biggest customer of Motorola, the U.S. wireless carriers didn't want 3G. So, Motorola listened to its customers, when they should have been listening to its customer's customer.
  • Political forces in an effective factor on business. Different political associations have different rules and regulations. The government itself is a good customer of telecommunication gadgets. So, Motorola is focusing on taxes, policies and other political dynamics to attain more market share in the business. Motorola has maintained a very stable and political environment in most of the markets. As per news, the online companies which are state-sponsored have somehow limited the Motorola company to gain the expected marketplace, which can also be called as a treatment of the company.
          Lenovo buys Motorola's smartphone business from Google because: 
Google wanted Motorola for patents, not for the manufacturing. Motorola has a excellent patent library that can be used defensively.Lenovo is large smartphone makers, but its market share in the U.S. , one of the World's largest smartphone markets, is zero. So, they merge Motorola with them for better marketing.

  • Cultural forces relate to the attitudes and the behaviours of the targeted population have towards a specific company or a brand. So, Motorola has the research on what kind of telecom products a specific customer wants. Beliefs and values of society and culture are what Motorola has kept on mind since now.
       Therefore, until now Motorola has analysed where and how it can get the best opportunities for future sustainable profits.


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